Column slant ironic

In the Oct. 25 issue of The Northern Star two stories gained my attention. The first was about yet another NIU student and two non-students killed as a result of alcohol abuse. The second, a column by Marianne Renner about student issues: “Does the alcohol issue top students interest?”

It seems ironic that on page one three people were killed and on the editorial page that alcohol abuse was once again treated with the attitude that it (and drug abuse) is a normal and acceptable rite of passage. This attitude of your column and ones before seem to promote “Blowing Chunks” as simple and harmless.

Alcohol and drug abuse has been with us in college for quite a while—this does not make it acceptable and/or normal behavior. The proof is that killing our young people in preventable substance abuse related accidents is most abnormal and unacceptable, nor is it simple and harmless.

It is my opinion that The Northern Star should help stop this needless suffering by encouraging people to think about the consequences of their actions rather than glorify substance abuse. Your column slant needs to grow up and face reality.

John Murnane

