‘Kin’ doesn’t stack up

By Parker Otto

Leave it to Summit Entertainment’s Aug. 31 release “Kin” to make a kid with a space gun boring. “Kin” is a let down of a film with lazy writing and a confusing ending that overshadows any good acting or beautiful shots.

The movie follows Elijah, played by Myles Truitt in his cinematic debut, a boy from present day Detroit who spends his time scrapping for metal to sell. One day, he finds a futuristic rifle at the remains of a battle and takes it home. When things go south for him and his brother Jimmy, played by Jack Raynor, they go on a cross country trip to escape from gangsters. Also in pursuit are two mysterious individuals in spacesuits who want the gun.

In the trailers for this movie, the ray gun is the focus. Yet, its screen time totals about ten minutes. One is left to wonder what the point of having the gun at all is if it doesn’t further the story that much.

The screenwriting feels tired as plot devices are overused and language is discolored. What could have been a cool, unique film has instead been filled with cliches. The movie wants to stand out without taking any risks which results in a boring atmosphere.

After the climax, we find out where the gun came from and who the two people in spacesuits are. Their origin is rushed, as the film gives a ton of exposition in the last ten minutes.

The reason for this information could be that they are setting up for a sequel. If the filmmakers couldn’t get audiences invested in the film, attempting to strike interest in the last ten minutes is a futile gesture.

Audiences didn’t go see The Return of the Jedi because they found out the connection of Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader and that was all. They saw it because The Empire Strikes Back was a well acted, well written and carefully constructed film that they enjoyed.

There are some things about this movie that are good. The actors do well, Truitt and Reynor in particular. The pair have great chemistry as brothers and are very believable. Also, James Franco gives a fun performance as the main gangster criminal. The directing by both Jonathan and Josh Baker is good too.

Many of these shots are very beautiful and serve as great visuals. One of the best ones is when Elijah is outside his hotel room in the morning and he sees an owl perched and then it flies away.

If this film looked like a suspenseful, enjoyable science fiction film, then most who see it will be disappointed. It’s like the old saying goes, you can’t have a ray gun and shoot it too.