Letter to the Editor: Title IX meant to educate

On Jan. 19, 2017, the Northern Star ran an editorial entitled “Title IX Module Confuses Students.” While the editorial helped build awareness of the module and provide Affirmative Action and Equity Compliance with ideas on reaching students, the main purpose of AAEC involvement was to provide a proactive and positive source of information relating to the accessible online training module.

Approximately 19,015 students received an email with copies of and links to the Title IX Rights and Options, the Sexual Misconduct Policy and were notified that the e-learning Title IX training for students would be made available in the Blackboard system.

Further assessment of how to best communicate required learning expectations to students will continue to be explored, including the continued use of the Northern Star.

While the module may seem “annoying” or “confusing,” reports show sexual misconduct on college campuses has risen as high as 40 percent in recent years. Former Vice President Joe Biden coined it an “epidemic.”

One goal of AAEC and other campus constituents is to build awareness and enact prevention strategies to protect students from sexual assault. The module is only one option for delivering this critical information to our students. We welcome the help, ideas and feedback of our students, faculty and staff in this regard and are committed to providing education and awareness on how to identify, address and prevent sexual misconduct at NIU.

Contact [email protected] to get involved.