Student trustee hopeful to go before SA Senate

James Zanayed, SA Supreme Court justice and student trustee nominee.

James Zanayed, SA Supreme Court justice and student trustee nominee.

By Leah Nicolini

Student Association President Nathan Lupstein said he has nominated James Zanayed, SA Supreme Court justice, as the student trustee appointee that will be voted on at SA Senate’s meeting Sunday.

A student trustee has all the responsibilities and voting power that members of the Board of Trustees have except in matters with a conflict of interest, according to Article II, Section II of the Board of Trustees bylaws. It is the trustees’ responsibility to operate, manage, control and maintain NIU which includes approving policies and deciding the conduct of administration and management to the president, according to Article I of the Board of Trustees bylaws.

A simple majority of the SA Senate must approve Zanayed to serve as the student trustee.

Zanayed, a second-year law student, previously served as an SA senator, SA Senate committee chair and speaker of the SA Senate.

Lupstein is appointing a student trustee because former student trustee Raquel Chavez put in a letter of resignation to Lupstein in early January, which was made public on Jan. 21.

The student trustee must be a resident of Illinois, maintain at least a 2.5 GPA and be enrolled in 15 credit hours throughout the term, according to the 2016 SA Bylaws.

If Zanayed is approved by the majority of SA Senate on Sunday, he will be able to attend the remaining two Board of Trustees general meetings this semester on March 17 and May 19 and serve through the end of the spring semester.