Division of Research and Innovation Partnerships to recognize innovators

By Northern Star staff

NIU’s Division of Research and Innovation Partnerships is looking to recognize faculty, staff and students that are making strides in innovation, according to an NIU news release.

The third annual Innovation Recognition Ceremony will be held at 1 p.m. April 20 in Altgeld Hall, Room 315. The ceremony acknowledges the contributions of teams and individuals at NIU for their accomplishments in innovation.

Nomination forms for these innovators are requested by 4:30 p.m. March 28. Nominations can be submitted by faculty, staff and students.

The definition of innovation encompasses more than scientific and technological innovations. It includes the production and application of novel ideas in scholarship, the arts, organization, human performance and other forms of individual and social enterprise.

The nomination form can be found at https://niu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_73TITHLJZAygcOV.

For more information, contact Karinne Bredberg at [email protected].