Women’s sauna out of order until further notice

By Northern Star staff

The women’s sauna at the Recreation Center is temporarily out of service until further notice, said Nick Maentanis, coordinator for facility operations for the Recreation Center.

“The women’s timer is temporarily down because the timer that regulates temperature, when it heats up and when it cools down, was broken and that was just a big safety concern for us and obviously with the safety of our patrons being our biggest priority, that was something that we felt it needed to be shut down until that could be resolved,” Maentanis said.

Electricians came by last week and took a look at it and facility operations put in an order in for a new one right away, Maentanis said.

“It’s a high priority on the list,” Maentanis said.

Facility operations does not know when the new one will come in, but it will be installed immediately.

The men’s sauna is operational at the moment, Maentanis said.