Lupstein selects Lezon for SA chief of staff

By Northern Star staff

Student Association Senator Gregory Lezon has been appointed chief of staff for the 2015-16 academic year by SA President-elect Nathan Lupstein, said Chief of Staff Chad Harris.

The SA chief of staff works under the president and oversees the executive cabinet, updates the president on expenditures by the SA and assists the president in preparing the cabinet to go before the Senate for confirmation, according to SA Bylaws.

Traditionally, as was the case with Harris, the chief of staff is chosen one week prior to the rest of the president’s cabinet so he or she may assist the SA with organizing and starting interviews with the director candidates. During this time, the chief of staff-elect is only volunteering and is not paid or official until confirmed by the Senate with the rest of the directors, Harris said.

Although Lezon has been volunteering his time and fulfilling duties the chief of staff would be in charge of, it still is a possibility that he may not be confirmed by the SA Senate.

This spring, Lezon served on the Board of Elections for the executive elections. Lezon is fraternity brothers with Marc Calvey, who has since been elected treasurer on Lupstein’s Voice of Change ticket.