Safety, responsibility: simple advice to follow for going out

By Kim Randall

Going to parties, meeting new people and making crazy memories all add up to the whole “college experience.”

As exciting as the first few days in college may seem, it can be quite easy to get too caught up in the fun and subconsciously push one’s safety to the back burner.

With summer wrapped up, forcing us all to jump back into demanding classes and other obligations, some may feel like the end of the world is near.

Because of this, many may jump at the first chance to unwind and escape the madness.

For some, that chance is this weekend, which will mark the wrap up of the dreaded first week of classes.

“The first weekend is always crazy to me; like people everywhere,” said junior undecided major Christian Dixon. “Everyone is like just doing a whole lot of stuff, so I just watch out but still not let it ruin my good time.”

There is a lot to consider if you are planning on going out for festivities, like where to go and where not to go as well as ignoring peer pressure and remaining within your comfort zone.

One main concern you could have is transportation. A way to combat this issue is to use the “buddy system.”

When journeying out, walking alone late at night isn’t the best idea and can make you appear vulnerable. Using the buddy system can help eliminate that threat. The NIU Safe Dating Behaviors website advises the same idea: You should “go out with friends you trust; look out for one another. Commit to a ‘buddy system’ before you go out, and stick to it.”

This helps to promote both having safe relationships as well as enjoying safe outings.

The Late Night Ride Service can also serve as an option with its free, no-questions-asked rides.

While all students should take these tips into consideration, freshmen should especially take advantage of them for their first college experience.

Since freshmen are new to campus, they may be the most unfamiliar to the ins and outs of everything here, thus making them more susceptible to potential dangers.

Yes, this is college, and the desire to get downright buck wild is sometimes inescapable, considering our college years are “the time of our lives,” but there are just certain ways to do it.

Plan ahead for your transportation, limit your alcohol intake and don’t go to places you aren’t familiar with or comfortable at.

This all may seem obvious, but the simple advice it implies should not be taken lightly.

Many students are aware of what could possibly happen if they aren’t being cautious and making good choices for themselves or their friends.

“It’s a lot of fun but I just try to make sure I’m not doing anything that’s going to get me in any real trouble,” said senior biology major Sylver Smith.

Not trying to put a damper on anyone’s fun, but just make sure your good time doesn’t land you somewhere you don’t want to be.

Remember to be responsible and make good decisions. A safe time out can be just as fun, too.