Letter to the editor: WeCare provides for women
April 23, 2012
An article posted April 11 describes pregnancy centers, specifically We Care Pregnancy Clinic (WCPC), accuses the centers of providing biased information. As an NIU student, a member of WeCare4NIU and a volunteer at WCPC, I have seen how many women are genuinely cared for firsthand. The accusations in the original article are simply untrue.
Well trained volunteers and nurses at WCPC offer education and support because we care about women and know how scary and confusing and unplanned pregnancy can be. WCPC provides women with information on all options. When discussing abortion, only medical facts are used to discuss the procedure – nothing more and nothing less. Our information is updated and approved by our medical director.
WCPC does empower women facing unplanned pregnancies, and they are given choice. In the area of the WCPC website that discusses abortions, the first line is “Your body. Your choice.” We are up-front about not offering abortions. But, to be fair, we also don’t perform adoptions or perform parenting. We simply offer facts on all options and support for whichever option a woman chooses. In fact, if a woman does choose to get an abortion, she is welcomed back into the clinic at any time. We even offer post-abortion support.
I ask that before you judge WCPC that you talk to friends that have visited or even visit for yourself. I can assure you that WCPC isn’t running on any sort of “agenda,” other that helping the women in our community.
Brittany Gerard
junior biology major