What’s the best way to enjoy Homecoming weekend?

By Aaron Brooks

Parker Happ


My roommate and I encountered a less than sociable person while traveling home on Hillcrest last weekend. Some hot mess decided a fence line would be a great place for a drunken nap, despite being in full view of the road. With a general worry of concern for the sleepy drunk, we walked up and asked how the dear chap was feeling. With no interest for help, the insolent drunkard made snarky comments towards us and attempted to make off with my roommate’s long board, nearly causing a full on fight for absolutely nothing. Don’t be this guy! It may seem like the best idea at the time, but altercations lay the framework for legal issues and just a general bad time. Remember this weekend, on or off campus, NIU and DeKalb police will be on high alert for less than exemplary behavior. Make homecoming a lasting, POSITIVE, memory.

Aaron Brooks


Do not start drama. I am so sick of seeing fights and hearing about even more aggressive acts. I think you should have the sense by now to learn mediation, realize the consequences of such stupidity and act like a college student. So what if someone spills a drink on you, dances with your date or acts immaturely? It takes a bigger person to walk away and not let trivial actions ruin the night. As college students, we should denounce this type of behavior. If you see some idiots starting to fight, rush over to the bar garnishes and throw all the cherries and limes you can at the fools. Personally, I will report the names of all students arrested for violent acts over the weekend, and I will make them look as foolish as the truth allows

Alyssa Pracz


Homecoming is the best time of year and my personal favorite. However, don’t have too much fun and let it ruin your experience. By this I mean mostly tailgating. I’m sure just about everyone is going to tailgate at Saturday’s football game, but just be careful and make smart decisions. If you’re underage and drinking, you don’t want to get a drinking ticket and have it ruin the rest of your day. Even if you are of age, try to be responsible considering there will also be a lot of NIU faculty, alumni and residents of DeKalb around for the game. Aside from that, hopefully a lot of people got involved in things like the recycled boat race, powder puff football and Yell Like Hell because Homecoming really is such a fun-filled week.

Martha Lueck


Even though I don’t make a huge deal about the homecoming festivities, I would recommend going to the football game. If you haven’t been to one yet, it gives you the chance to see people come together as a community and show their appreciation for our school. Beyond that, I think homecoming weekend should be about hanging out with friends and celebrating however you want. If you don’t want to celebrate, you don’t have to. You can even treat homecoming weekend like any other weekend. Last year, some friends and I threw a party with snacks, party lights, a blacklight and speakers for our iPods. Even if it wasn’t a homecoming celebration per say, we probably would have done the same thing, anyway. Just don’t think that you’re forced to conform, get drunk and wake up wondering how you spent your weekend. There are ways to celebrate homecoming that don’t involve a hangover.

Colin Remes


Go to as many homecoming events as possible and support all the people that get involved to help raise Huskie spirit to its highest possible level. Don’t walk anywhere by yourself at night, whether you’re a guy or a girl. This should be a given anyway. Especially on homecoming weekend, there will be a lot more people who are out drinking, and therefore a lot more police looking for people causing trouble. Avoid these situations like the plague. You don’t need the hassle, and I doubt you can afford the penalties. Even if you can, you still don’t want them.