In Focus: What’s the best and worst things about Halloween?

Martha Lueck


Best: Dressing up. It’s a chance to be fun in how you present yourself. Even if people judge you for dressing in a bizarre fashion, this is the one day of the year when you can go all out and not care if people think you look like a freak. While many people see Halloween as the day to dress in ways that could be considered obscene, it can really be seen as a day to express your creativity. You can pull off celebrities that many people have dressed as in past years, but add a twist to it. Give Ke$ha a gothic look. Dress as Kat Von with a million tattoos on her face. Dressing up is like mixing drinks: It doesn’t have to appeal to everyone, but it shows your effort to be unique. Show off your ideas. The only down side is that you’ll be spending money to display your own creation.

Worst: Nov. 1, the end of Halloween.

Alyssa Pracz


Best: Dressing up and being whomever/whatever you want to be, having an excuse to overindulge in every type of candy possible and watching scary movies and/or going to a haunted house. Dressing up is fun because you don’t get to dress up in a costume for fun very often? It’s also interesting to see the creative ideas that other people come up with. If you eat candy every day people will think you have a health problem, but during halloween, there’s so much candy everywhere that it’s hard to pass up. It’s a nice treat no matter what age. Finally, watching scary movies around halloween is always fun because it’s the one time a year that makes them just a little creepier. If you have the chance to go to a haunted house definitely do it. Being scared is the whole part of halloween, and luckily there is one in DeKalb for a decent price.

Worst: None, it’s Halloween!

Colin Remes


Best: Getting free Candy, watching droves of attractive scantily clad women, talking to drunk people proclaiming they actually are who they are dressed as and dressing up like awesome action characters like Hitman, The Boondock Saints, Cops, Cowboys and Ninjas.

Worst: I’m too old to go trick or treating and get free candy. I also have to see droves of women who are scantily clad but should NOT be. Also people dress up as Lady Gaga, Ke$ha or Kanye West.

Parker Happ


Best: Anything homemade and interesting to look at. I saw a Bioshock costume a couple of years ago. The guy who wore the costume said he spent close to six months making it. Costumes that make my eyebrow rise due to cleverness are always fun. This year, I want to go as a hashtag so everyone I stand next to is trending. #Win.

Worst: “Dick-in-a-box.” It’s not funny anymore, and you are not clever for doing it.

Jack Baker


Best: This is a pretty simple question. I love trying to come up with an original costume idea every year and then raiding Goodwill to make it happen. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, and I wouldn’t change a thing about it.

Worst: There are no worst parts of Halloween. What’s not to love about a holiday where everyone puts on crazy costumes and goes out and has a great time?