Bond brings ‘vision’ to dean’s position

By Northern Star Staff

Bradley Bond has been named the dean of the NIU graduate school, making him responsible for the “leadership and vision” of almost 6,000 graduate students.

Bond previously held various administrative positions with the University of Southern Mississippi and has been at NIU since 2006, when he was named associate dean of the graduate school. He has been the acting dean since 2008.

According to NIU Today, Bond will work closely with Lisa Freeman, vice president for research and graduate studies, in order to “expand and enhance graduate-program components that are most intimately related to research, artistry and innovation.”

“I am delighted that Dr. Bradley Bond has accepted the position,” Freeman said to NIU Today. “Brad is both competent and creative…I look forward to working with him.”

Bond holds a Ph.D in history from Louisiana State University and specializes in the history of the American South, race relations and education.