Blizzard may be gone but cold temperatures remain

An apartment complex on Russell Road remains partially snowed in Thursday afternoon. The blizzard which blew through DeKalb Tuesday and Wednesday dropped 18.7 inches of snow on the ground. Cleanup was still ongoing as of Thursday.

By Jim Maahs

After experiencing

the worst blizzard in recent memory, the DeKalb area will be

getting a break, temperature-wise.

NIU staff

meteorologist <a href="" target="

“_blank”>Gilbert Sebenste says that this weekend things will

start to warm up slightly.

“We’ll get warmer

this weekend, with highs around 30 degrees on Sunday,” Sebenste

said. “But our temperatures will stay below average through the

next 10 days.”

As for the snow,

Sebenste said there might be more on the way.

“Not much this

weekend, maybe up to another inch,” Sebenste said. “Next week,

there will be more snow, but it is impossible to tell how much will

fall in this very dynamic weather pattern.”

With the more than

18 inches of snow that fell on Tuesday, Sebenste said that it might

take a while before it all melts away.

“I don’t know how

long it will take, but the medium-range forecast is for

temperatures to only hit 32 degrees once over the next week,”

Sebenste said. “So it is safe to say that it won’t be
