Halloween specials that spook you

By Tony Martin

Aside from cheesy Christmas episodes, Halloween yields the only cool holiday specials on television.

So, until shows start doing Labor Day episodes (where all the characters strike from their jobs for better wages), here is a list of some of the best Halloween specials from some of my favorite shows (note “Glee”‘s version of “The Rocky Horror Picture Show,” which was a complete travesty, isn’t on the list).


South Park: “Pink Eye”- A classic “South Park” episode, which was essentially “Night of the Living Dead” with Worcestershire sauce and a re-creation of the “Thriller” dance with a zombie-fied Chef. This episode is far superior to the 2006 Halloween episode, with Satan’s Super Sweet Sixteen party (though the Biggie Smalls bit was classic).

The Simpsons: “Treehouse of Horror”- All of the Halloween episodes of “The Simpsons” have been nothing short of classics, even as the quality of the rest of the episodes has declined. They spoof almost every horror or sci-fi premise out there and still make them funny. I truly feel the Halloween specials are the only episodes that the writers don’t phone-in each year.

Beavis and Butthead: “Butt-O-Ween”- Aside from the fact that “Beavis and Butthead” was one of the most hilarious shows that I have ever watched (here I am, showing my age), the show’s Halloween special was funny, stupid, and morbid. It’s one of the earliest television episodes that actually freaked-out the pre-pubescent version of myself.

King of the Hill: “Hilloween”- Maybe Mike Judge is just the master of Halloween specials. This episode, where an Evangelical Christian tries to boycott Halloween and get the neighborhood kids to convert, is one of the few times where Hank Hill breaks out of the “red-state,” Texan archetype and fights against traditionally conservative values. Bonus points are awarded for Hank dressing up as a devil in a costume that is far too small.

Fresh Prince of Bel-Air: “Hex and the Single Guy”- A classic episode from a show that almost defines classic. This episode has everything that a Halloween special should have: hexes, communication with the spirit world, and young Will Smith. One of my favorite “Fresh Prince” episodes and certainly worth twenty minutes of anybody’s time.

Roseanne: “BOO!”- At the suggestion of most of my friends, I watched this Halloween episode and have to say it is incredible. Silly and honest in the way that only Roseanne could be, this episode was the highlight of the second season, which is considered the finest the show ever made.