Photo poll: What are your memories of 9/11?

By Sarah Raila

What are your memories of 9/11?

“It was an interesting day for me because my dog died. I remember being in my fourth grade class and my teachers told me what happened. I didn’t think much of it until I saw the coverage, and it was just so shocking and surreal.”

Trevor Fahey, freshman print-making major


“I remember seeing teachers sitting in the lounge freaking out, but I didn’t know what was going on. My parents picked me up early from school and told me. I was so young so it was terrifying, and I was scared of something happening where I live.”

Daniel Gross, freshman acting major


“I remember being at school and it was right before recess. The teachers didn’t want us to go outside so they lied and told us that there were lots of dangerous bees outside. So now I relate bees to terrorists.”

-Zach Liberman, freshman illustration major


“My family is Polish and we were watching the Polish news. It was weird to see people’s perspective in another country and how they were so dumbfounded about it. No one expected something like that to happen in America.”

-Dorota Gibala, graduate student, law school


“I remember I was standing outside my middle school and my friend, Josh, was freaking out because his dad was in New York at the World Trade Center, but everything was okay for him in the end. 9/11 is about all I remember from seventh grade.”

Brooke Englehart, senior illustration and painting major