Student legal assistance available

By Don Henderson

As you begin a new semester, now is the time to address any lingering or looming legal problems. Students’ Legal Assistance (SLA) is a free service, funded by the NIU Student Association, that can provide relevant legal information, advice, and, where appropriate, court representation to help you. Here are some areas where we can help:

Employment. Under Illinois law, employees are entitled to be paid for all work done within one pay period of the completion of the work. If your employer hasn’t paid you, or has made deductions from your wages that you dispute, contact Students’ Legal Assistance, Campus Life Building 120, 753-1701.

Security Deposits. If you have just moved into or out of an apartment, you should be aware of your rights and responsibilities concerning your security deposit. Under the law, if you returned your premises in the same or better condition as your found it, excepting ordinary wear and tear, and fulfilled your other obligations under the lease, you are entitled to the full (100 percent) return of your security deposit. If you have recently moved into your apartment and have not already done so, document its condition immediately, including taking pictures, and provide a copy of your condition report to the landlord. Keep the original.

Driving on a Suspended License. Pursuant to the Illinois Vehicle Code, if you are under 21 years of age, you driving privileges will be suspended or revoked if you are convicted of 2 or more moving violations within any 24 month period. Persons over 21 are subject to a suspension if they accumulate 3 convictions within any 12 month period. Every ticket is important.

Driving while your license is suspended (DWLS) for any reason is a Class A misdemeanor and can result in incarceration and/or a substantial fine. A conviction for DWLS will also extend your suspension for up to an additional 12 months. On the other hand, it may be possible to get your driving privileges restored, for example, by paying an outstanding fine or by obtaining court supervision after the fact; in the alternative, you may be eligible for a hardship license. If your driving privileges are suspended, you should consult an SLA attorney promptly to investigate your options, and meanwhile, stop driving!

Budget Planning/Getting out of Debt. Getting and staying out of debt has never been harder or more important. Bad credit can not only interfere with your ability to purchase a car or a home, it can prevent you from being hired for a job. Students’ Legal Assistance can assist you in many ways, from providing budget forms and valuable information about credit cards, buying a new or used car and other consumer transactions, to helping you obtain and analyze your credit reports, challenge disputed charges, and, where appropriate, defending you in court. Consult our website or make an appointment.

Students’ Legal Assistance also counsels NIU students in other areas of the law, including criminal law, family law, auto accidents, insurance, discrimination, and public benefits. We also provide notary public services and voter registration.