Characters, social commentary make new show fresh


“Sit Down, Shut Up” and pay attention. This show has promise.

“Arrested Development” creator Mitchell Hurwitz’s new cartoon show, which premiered Sunday night at the 7:30 p.m. slot on Fox, profiles teachers at a Florida high school trying to keep their jobs.

“Arrested” alums Jason Bateman, Will Arnett and Henry Winkler and SNL cast members Keenan Thompson, Cheri Oteri and Will Forte provide spot-on voices of characters with “punny” names like Sue Sezno, the interim principal whose catchphrase is “no”; Larry Littlejunk, the gym teacher who would prefer to go by “Larry L.” for obvious reasons; and Miracle Grohe, the Bible-thumping biology teacher.

The show’s visual style, using illustrated characters in front of real photos, is a fresh twist on regular cartoon shows.

At the beginning of the show, each character is introduced with a photo, name, title and catchphrase in a yearbook-style format. Forte’s character Stuart Proszakian’s catchphrase: “I need a catchphrase!”

The social commentary is stellar. Trying to see through a windshield full of bumper stickers as she drives to school, Grohe muses to her infant son, “I can’t see anything because of this ‘God will protect me’ bumper sticker. But I guess that’s the point.”

Let’s hope this bright spot between “The Simpsons” and “Family Guy” keeps it coming.