Flavors of the Week: Neopolitan honors


This week, the flavors are dictated by good will. Look at it like a scoop of Neopolitan Ice Cream, if you will. The niftiest person or group is honored with chocolate. Strawberry goes to second fiddle, with vanilla going to whoever warranted a “Yeah, nice try.”

Chocolate scoop: The Red Cross

With floodwaters flowing, the humanitarian group yet again reached out to help DeKalb and Sycamore residents wait out the storm. With so many roads and fields underwater, people close to the affected areas are overwhelmed with what to do next. They’re without a doubt this week’s premium flavor.

Strawberry scoop: Detox Nightclub

“Cool, another bar,” some students may say at the prospect of yet another watering hole from which to choose. Sixteen types of beer on tap sounds sweet. And hey, who doesn’t want another choice for weekend fun time? But, let’s hope this new club realizes where it is. DeKalb is a college town, and students don’t have $20 a night to spend getting liquored up, or a closet full of designer clothes to doll themselves up in. Be nice to us, and we’ll be nice to you.

Vanilla scoop: Hugh Hefner

OK, so this one’s bordering on good and bad news depending on who you are. According to a Tuesday Eonline.com article, Hef said all three of his girls next door are “likely” to get spin-off shows. For the bunny lovers: Yippee! Three times the ditz, fun and skin. For the not-so-bunny-keen: Three times the ditz, giggling and skin. For this one, the reader must decide: On or off the good-will island for the Hefmeister? My vote is off, but kudos to him for making all 20 viewers of “The Girls Next Door” happy.