Beer of the Week: Sierra Nevada Wheat Beer


Beer of the Week: Sierra Nevada Wheat Beer

Grade: B

Sierra Nevada and wheat beer combined? What could possibly go wrong? Very little actually. Sierra Nevada’s take on wheat ale is worthy of the brand name, and a good example of an American-style wheat ale. The brew is medium-bodied and very smooth. However, Sierra Nevada makes its wheat beer a little more bitter than most of the domestic competition.

The Good: The beer has a very smooth, refreshing taste with light citrus overtones. The medium carbonation compliments the taste and mouth-feel. The brew is also very reasonably priced as well.

The Bad: The aftertaste is a little too bitter. Additionally, as the beer gets warmer, it begins to taste slightly grainy.

Price: $6.99 for a 6-pack

The Recommendation: Fans of Leinenkugel’s Sunset Wheat will love this brew. Also, fans of wheat beers looking for something with a stronger taste will be satisfied.

The Bottom Line: Sierra Nevada’s Pale Ale is still the superior brew in the brand’s family. The brew is a little better than Leinenkugel’s Sunset Wheat, but not as good as Goose Island’s 312.