Track of the Day: ‘Third Rock from the Sun’ by Joe Diffie


Most good country music is like fine wine; it should be sipped in small doses and can lead to depression if abused.

However, for those who need a little honky-tonk in their lives without allusions to broken pickup trucks, there is Joe Diffie’s completely bizarre “Third Rock from the Sun.”

The song about a town caught in the “cause and effect, chain of events” lifestyle demonstrates perfectly how “all of the chaos makes perfect sense.”

Lyrics like, “She walks into Smokey’s one hip at a time/ Like a broken field runner slippin’ through the line,” are only shown up by “Waitress calls the cops, says she saw it all/ Swears a giant alien has landed at the mall,” as Diffie belts it all out in a synthesized voice and electric guitars.

After listening to this piece from the country canon, you’ll realize, “When you’re spinning round, things come undone.”

So, “Welcome to Earth, third rock from the Sun.”