Some dating rules are universal


With the popularity of online dating and Internet networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace, it’s safe to say that dating has evolved.

This evolution, while still in its first stages, has changed some of the rules for many seeking companionship. However, no matter how you meet a person, certain conduct (and non-conduct) is necessary. Here are a few of the most important rules, and the reasons why they are rules in the first place.

1. Never lead someone on.

This one is simple; if you’re not into it, don’t pretend to be. This not only has the potential to crush someone’s hopes, but it also takes up time you could be spending finding someone you’re actually interested in.

2. Never give it up within the first three days of meeting someone.

Unless, of course, you know that this relationship is going nowhere beyond physical attraction, there is the potential to dig yourself into a never-ending cycle of meaningless one-night stands. Generally, though, protect your carnal treasure.

3. Don’t be a stalker.

As much as you may want to, and as much as it may drive you crazy wondering what the other person is thinking, they will surely be thinking you’re crazy if you’re constantly texting/calling them. Unless you are crazy. In that case, stalk away.

4. For this one, I’ll steal a line from John Mayer: “Say what you need to say.”

Plain and simple. If you’re worried about something or have been wanting to ask something, just say it. The worst that could happen is that the person will decide they might not be that into you. Likely, though, they’ll respect your honesty, even if they’re still not that into you.

5. This one goes along with No. 4: Don’t censor yourself too much.

Obviously, you want to make a good impression. But even more obviously, you don’t want to come off looking like you don’t know how to have fun. Maybe put away your collection of unicorns when you have company, but brag about your trivial knowledge of Disney characters. Sometimes nerdy stuff turns out to be good a conversation starter.

The most important rule, and most difficult for me to keep in mind, is that there will always be another coming down the line. So, stick to the rules or not, but remember that for every few rotten apples, you will find a shiny delicious one to enjoy.