Tracks of the Day


Throughout this difficult time, indulging in arts and entertainment has proven to be tremendously therapeutic for me as well as a lot of my friends and colleagues.

Listening to music serves as an especially fine escape.

After being exposed to the reality of a situation so difficult to grasp, nothing on the radio nor in my recent playlist can collaborate with the emotional complexities I have been experiencing. So I found myself turning to the music of my parents, the children of the ’60s and ’70s.

The irony of finding solace in that music is that it is the soundtrack of another time. My understanding of the atmosphere of the ’60s and ’70s eludes me, as it was before my time. Perhaps that is why the spirit of that music resonates so heavily with me now more than ever in this time where I cannot fully understand the meanings of such actions and what they say about the world we live in. Such music reminds me that we all occupy an unsure existence as well as one full of hope and faith.

Many examples can be found throughout the anthologies of such artists as Marvin Gaye, The Beatles and many more. I’m sure your own parents have bestowed upon you the hits that defined their youth. Seek them out. They are works that are truly timeless and that’s what we need right about now: accounts of the conditions of struggle and perseverance that define the human experience and stand the test of time. Right now our hearts are sick with grief. Let’s use the remedies of old to help heal our ailments now.