More Monster Madness


First Appearance: “Gorgo”

Description: An amphibious giant monster that resembles a dinosaur (possibly a Gorgasaur).

Origin: The Gorgo monster lives off the shores of England and usually will never leave its deep, watery haven.

Abilities: There isn’t much to say about a monster that’s as tall as Big Ben and takes pride in smashing buildings to the ground. The Gorgo monster has apparently lived in harmony with mankind deep below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean but is extremely over-protective of its young. The Gorgo monster has the ability to yell and walk really slowly down the streets of London. While modern tanks and weaponry work on your everyday monster, Gorgo will only flail its foam rubber arms and emit a sound close to a cat hiss. Gorgo mostly just gets in the way and provides little aesthetic value, becoming a burden on the state.