Monster Madness: Cruella de Vil

Full Name: Cruella de Vil

First Appearance: “The Hundred and One Dalmations” by Dodie Smith in 1961,

followed by Disney’s animated film version, “101 Dalmations” (subsequently followed by a live-action “101” and “102 Dalmations”).

Wardrobe: Long fur coat, long black dress and a cigarette holder

Appearance: Starved body figure, half-black, half-white hair and gray skin (probably from all the cigarette smoke).

Origin: While Disney left Cruella’s origin unknown (probably because it was too dysfunctional for young viewers), the original book by Smith explains that Cruella was a wealthy girl from England who later married a furrier. Her last name suggests she’s a spawn of the devil.

Abilities: de Vil can turn any living thing into a piece of fashion, with no respect to how alive it is.

The Low Down: Although Cruella is a Disney character, it is easily inferred how dark and morbid she is. Anyone who is willing to slaughter puppies is definitely twisted. Who knows where she will stop? She might even use a baby for a muff.