The taste

By Desiree Smith

Ensemble dramas are overdone. But “Heroes” soars above the rest.

“Heroes” aired last fall and is steadily growing a super-fan following. The concept of everyday people suddenly gaining amazing abilities is nothing new, but the way it is executed in “Heroes” is. The characters are less two-dimensional than their comic book counterparts (no pun intended) and character development is at the forefront rather than special effects.

Zachary Quinto, probably most famous for his minor role as “Adam Kaufman” in “24,” plays the incredibly creepy villain “Sylar.” He steals the show almost as easily as he steals the powers of other “Heroes”. Sylar’s origin story in “Six months later” shows how he went from a mild-mannered watchmaker to a psychopath with a lust for brains. His ability to wield multiple powers at once also creates an interesting dichotomy between himself “Peter Petrelli” played by Milo Ventimiglia.

Before the show aired Petrelli was advertised as a dreamer with the ability to fly. After a shocking and slightly disappointing first episode viewers were left thinking the main character in a show about superheroes was powerless. As the series continues and Petrelli’s true abilities are revealed he could easily become the most powerful character in the series. Petrelli has the ability to absorb the powers of other “Heroes” through empathy rather than brain-theft. Because of their similarities, an explosive confrontation between Sylar and Petrelli is inevitable.

The character that seems to draw in the most viewers is easily Masi Oka as “Hiro Nakamura,” the Japanese office worker with the ability to bend time and space. Oka’s character serves as a great entry-point to the series. He instantly sees his ability as a calling to do something greater. Watching him walk the path of a true hero, while charming the occasional cute waitress, is a joy and critics seem to agree as the show and Oka were both nominated for Golden Globes.

The main criticism I have is, like “Lost,” there are too many characters. Hopefully a few will be killed off before the end of the season. Seeing how the series’ main goal is to prevent the destruction of New York City that is more than likely possible.

“Are you on the list?” “Heroes” airs 8 p.m. Mondays on NBC. All episodes as well as an interactive web-comic are available for free online at NBC’s Web site.