Review: Christopher Titus

By Mat Warrenfeltz

Grade: B+ | It’s really, incredibly hard to describe one’s style of comedy, and to think critically about what makes it good and funny or what makes it just plain bad. Because that’s what comedy is – either good or bad.

Titus seemingly managed to combine the styles of both the voices and affectations of Dane Cook’s quick wit and the high energy of Dennis Leary, giving off the idea that at any minute, a stroke may occur. Essentially, look at it like this: as Cook on cocaine, which should’ve been the real title of the album.

Titus’ release has everything that every decent comedy album needs: high energy, quick wit and funny jokes that lead right into one another. Even the ability to feed off of crowd reactions and include them in on the bit, or start a completely new joke based of the original bit is a gift that all comedians need to acquire, and Titus has seemingly mastered.

His jokes all revolve around making fun of the one thing all comedians know something about… themselves. It may seem easy for the average person to poke a laugh at, but Titus seems to lack the ability to actually structure his jokes so it would seem that he has more than just basic knowledge to get by.

Still, his ability to make a solid comedy act without the use of profanity and some good jokes will ensure a good laugh, at least the first time through.