CD Review: The Swimmers

By Mat Warrenfeltz

Grade: A | Imagine for a second, if you will, a band that captures the best of inde, rock and pop music, all collected into one pool to form a super-group with the ability to hook an audience without moving a finger.

Ok, well maybe they’ll have to move a few fingers to do it, but this band, The Swimmers, are able to pool together the best parts of modern and classic pop music to create a sound that can only be described as amazing.

Immediately upon listening to the newest CD, slated for release this spring, you’ll have an essences of The Beatles-meets-Superdrag-meets-every pop musician to emerge in the last ten years or so, but not in the cheap, ripping-off sense. The album is chalk full of rich guitar sounds and catchy melodies and harmonies, along with a fitting piano backing up every song of the Philadelphia natives’ first release. Unfortunately, the Swimmers’ April 4 show in DeKalb has been cancelled, but hopefully they’ll be back before we all grow out of our dancing shoes.