Movie review: “TMNT”

By Christopher Schimmel

Grade: C | The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have returned to the big screen with their most recent animated feature, “TMNT,” which, for many, will be a nostalgic return to childhood.

Many college students today were once the perfect age to enjoy the three previous movies in the series, featuring the four mutant turtles renowned for fighting crime. No doubt some still have the action figures, and maybe even VHS copies of the movies.

The most recent film switches from live action to animation, which brings about the question as to whether this one is supposed to follow in the footsteps of the previous movies. However, it is made clear that this is to be a continuation by references to previous events.

While “TMNT” provides a bit of a flashback, it lacks the same comedic value found in previous “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” movies. The most impressive part of the film has to be the computer graphics used. The images produced make it seem as though the viewer is right in the middle of the action, as though the turtles are real.

Ironically enough, the most unreal looking characters in the movie are Casey and April, the two main human characters. April looks like the famous anatomically incorrect Barbie doll, with Casey sharing many of the same anorexic features. The interaction between the two is based on butt-grabbing, making out and yelling at each other. Those are pretty much the only three things those characters do while in the same room.

The four turtle brothers have a lot to work on after being out of commission for more than two years while Leonardo” has been in training to become a better leader. Rafael has the hardest time with the return of his brother, because of abandonment issues. This is not quite the storyline that will catch the attention of a 10-year-old. And the rest of the plot lacks the color and simplicity that made previous “Turtles” movies so fun to watch.

This movie may provide an escape from reality for a short time, but ultimately, it lacks the things that made previous TMNT movies great.