The Killers – “Sam’s Town”

By Adrian Finiak

The Las Vegas quartet’s sophomore release features the good, bad and the ugly at its own expense.

In 2004, “Hot Fuss” brought the synth-rockers success with singles “Mr. Brightside” and “All These Things That I’ve Done.” Both bands the Bravery and Fall Out Boy challenged the Killers in a series of feuds.

Spaghetti western undertones are throughout “Sam’s Town” with galloping strums and pacing drums. The band seems to passionately embrace the theme without creating a kitschy sound.

This ride with the Killers is a bumpy one. The album starts off on a high note with the title track’s triumphant opening. A danceable melody introduces Brandon Flowers’ vocals paired with David Keuning’s exciting guitar work.

Immediately following the track, Flowers performs “enterlude” all by his lonesome with a piano. “We hope you enjoy your stay/ It’s good to have you with us/Even if it’s just for the day.”

“When You Were Young” is the third track and the album’s current single. The song leads into two more songs which round up the good; then the album takes a plunge for the worse.

As it continues, the excitement slowly drifts away allowing songs to become a giant blur. Nothing standouts as being new and the band follows the same song writing techniques.

Ugliness treats the quartet in proper light wrapping the album up. The refrain from “enterlude” is sung once again during “exitude.” The weak closure to the album begs excitement.

These cowboys seem tired of writing songs to please ears.

Adrian Finiak is a music critic for the Northern Star