Your “24” recap for the week

By Christopher Strupp

Chloe O’Brian escaped from Bill Buchanan’s house.

Bill is arrested and taken back to CTU.

Chloe went into a hotel lobby to help Jack Bauer.

Jack asked Chloe for the passenger list and who the air marshal on the plane was.

Jack knocked down the air marshal with an elbow to the face.

Jack took down the guy who he believed had the recording into the airplane gallows.

The men in charge of President Logan want Bauer recovered immediately.

Mike Novick confronted Logan about Martha Logan’s condition.

The air marshal woke up and realized his gun was missing.

The pilot turned the plane around while Jack is in the gallows. The pilot depressurized that area which would cause Jack to pass out.

Jack found out the guy he took down there is not who he was looking for.

Buchanan arrived at CTU and Karen Hayes interrogated him.

Miles from Homeland Security questioned Karen’s leadership to Mike. Mike ignored his claim.

Logan ordered the plane to land.

The co-pilot is the man Jack needed on the plane.

Jack received the recording from the man.

The men in charge ordered the plane to be shot down.

Jack killed zero people.