Quiz: How successful was your Winter Break?

By Stephanie Szuda

An average day included:

a) Sleeping until 3 p.m.

b) Playing Xbox 360 all day

c) Working for the man

I spent my break working:

a) Working? A job? Oh, I didn’t have one of those.

b) Five weeks of retail hell

c) A sweet internship

I showered:

a) Whenever I started to smell

b) Every other day

c) Every morning when I woke up

I spent my weekends:

a) Being hung over. I spent my time trying to remember what I did. I’m pretty sure it involved a donkey, though.

b) Playing poker with my hometown buddies.

c) Dining out, followed by casual drinks with co-workers

The highlight of my break was:

a) When my parents left town for the weekend and I spent countless hours sleeping uninterrupted and threw that killer party

b) Every Friday when I received my oh-so-awesome minimum wage paycheck; It was still more money than I see during the semester.

c) Getting offered a full-time job in the spring

I left my house:

a) Only when my video games were due

b) 10 minutes before my scheduled shift

c) Every day for the 45 minute commute to my job

I spent New Year’s Eve:

a) New Year’s Eve? What was that? Was that why we were counting backwards?

b) Surrounded by friends at a house party

c) I stayed in because I had to work in the morning. Although, I must say I liked Dick Clark much better than Ryan Seacrest.

Every “a” you circled is worth 1 point, every “b” you circled is worth 2 points, and every “c” you circled is worth 3 points.

7 – 13: Congratulations, you are a bum. You accomplished a whole lot of nothing. Welcome back to tests, homework and boring lectures. Now unglue your eyes from the television and go to class.

14 – 17: Not bad, not bad. You were able to maintain a social life, while still putting some dough in the savings.

18 – 21: Whoa, slow down. We all grow up sometime, but not today. Go out and have some fun already.