New Rec hours respond to overcrowding

By Laurel Marselle

New Year’s resolutions, plus an upcoming Spring Break, equal a very busy Student Recreation Center at the start of the year.

About 2,000 people per day visit the Rec in the fall but after the New Year through February, numbers increase to about 2,300 to 2,500 people per day. Some days peak to 3,000, said John Sweeney, director of campus recreation.

Before classes start, people’s schedules allow for more free time, and colder temperatures require more activity time indoors, which could attribute to the participation increase at the Rec, Sweeney said.

However, the rush doesn’t last for long.

“After a couple [of] weeks into the semester, people’s lives start to get settled in, you start to have papers due and extracurriculars start to get together,” Sweeney said.

This year, congestion may be alleviated due to the Chick Evans Field House renovation and the extra hour the Rec is staying open.

“The Rec has a history of being busiest after three or four in the afternoon,” Sweeney said. “The Field House will be open from four to 10 to help alleviate congestion at the rec.”

The hour extension at the Rec was a joint decision between Recreation Services and Student Affairs, Sweeney said.

The proposition was initiated by the Student Association, after receiving positive feedback from a survey involving hour extensions at the Rec. The SA was then able to secure the additional $8,000 funding for the year, Sweeney said.

Some students said the additional congestion at the Rec isn’t a problem.

Jan Gevelinger is a junior nutrition and dietetics major who works out four or five times a week.

“Good for them if they try and get in shape,” Gevelinger said.

To secure a spot on an exercise machine at the Rec, users sign up for half-hour blocks on a specific day.

Some said the additional congestion gets a little hectic.

“It’s packed right now,” said Kay Kniepmann, sophomore accountancy major and staff member at the Rec.

“Last semester I tried to tell a girl it was my turn on a machine and she refused to get off until I actually brought someone over to force her to,” she said. “People are crazy about signing up for machines.”

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