Film fest of another kind

By Jessica Coello

CRU is accepting submissions until Friday, Oct. 22, for Christian-oriented, student-made films.

Students who create and submit a film will compete for prizes. Films will be judged on creativity, theme and presentation.

Ten categorical prizes of $20 each will be awarded to the best film of each residence hall as well as “most humorous,” “most creative,” “best visual presentation” and “best audio presentation.”

Following the submission deadline, the films will begin showing Sunday, Oct. 24, through the grand finale at 9 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 28, at Faraday West, Room 200. CRU is currently not releasing the locations or times for any showings except the finale.

A first-place prize worth $200, a second-place prize worth $100 and two third-place prizes worth $50 each will be awarded at the finale.

One aspiring director, freshman English major Josh Riley, plans to create a dramatic allegory for the festival.

“It’s about a young sinner who steps in some gum and becomes mad at the world trying to remove it because it ruined his day,” Riley said. “It explains a metaphor as the sinner realizes he cannot remove the gum alone and needs God’s help to do it.”

Students need not be a member of CRU to turn in a film as long as the film is Christian-based, Riley said.

According to festival organizer Marc Turnes, a sophomore computer science major, making a film will provide more than just a chance to win a prize.

“The prize amounts should really allow a few people to work together and still have the chance to get something should they win,” Turnes said. “But even if they don’t, it would have been an experience they can keep with them for a long time.”

Turnes said the whole point of the festival is to have fun.

For rules and submission information, visit