Master of Old School Entertainment

By Casey Toner

Quite honestly, it was the best $2.50 I ever spent, although the roommate just looked at me with this odd look that said, “Did you really buy ‘Surf Ninjas’?”

Yes I did. Best $2.50 ever. Some might argue against this, but my $2.50 spent on “Surf Ninjas” is without a doubt the worst $2.50 ever spent; that $2.50 can never justify the travesty that launched several other travesties.

And by travesty, I mean “Rob Schneider’s first movie,” and by other travesties, I mean “other movies starring Rob Schneider.”

But these naysayers don’t know Rob Schneider. They also don’t know “Surf Ninjas.” All right, so “Surf Ninjas,” might not be winning any major awards, but it stars that kid from “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Secret of the Ooze” and Mr. Funky Comadina himself, Tone-Loc. Awesome.

And it, like the silly title implies, is about Ninjas — surfing ninjas — so it can’t be too bad. In this case, the two surf ninjas are orphans and heirs to to the throne of some hidden island.

And I’m being vague because details are unimportant in a movie like “Surf Ninjas.” Then again, so are a plot, a script and acting.

The two kids find out about their true heritage because they suddenly get attacked by ninjas and then get magically saved by some other crazy dude with an eye patch.

The dude with the eye patch tells them the story of their kingdom and how it was once peaceful and how for no real good reason, Leslie Nielsen, dressed in a ridiculous Samurai suit, invades the peace and gets stepped on by an elephant. No, I am not making this up. “Surf Ninjas” is this great.

They also learn that the older one has the ability of a warrior and the younger one has the ability of a seer. The older one just kind of discovers his inherent trait by fighting ninjas and the younger one can see into the future by playing Game Gear, if that makes any sense whatsoever.

Rob Schneider’s character just kind of tags along and says a whole lotta dumb jokes because, well, because he’s Rob Schneider and that’s what Rob Schneider does in every movie

Finally, the two characters rile up the exiled townsfolk and like true ninjas, surf into the realm of the bad guy — Nielsen. About this time, Tone-Loc makes a joke about how “brothers don’t surf.”

In true style, the surfing ninjas arrive and fight Nielsen and his camp. Nielsen looks absolutely ridiculous. He’s apparently a cyborg now and is wearing a half suit of metallic gadgetry.

The warrior kid then finds Nielsen and kills him. Then the kid decides that instead of being the king of this great country and having everyone love him and having the ability to bed any woman on the island, he wants to go back to college.

So, in recap, what happened? Two kids become ninjas, kick some ass, retake a throne and Rob Schneider says several bad jokes. Best $2.50 ever.