Marching band plans indoor concert tonight

By Sean Thomas

The NIU Huskie Marching Band will perform a free indoor concert tonight. The concert will allow fans to see the marching band, the Silverettes dance line and the flag color guard.

The annual concert is an opportunity to look back at the performances of all the halftime shows from this season.

“This is one of the most exciting performances the Huskie band gives each year,” said band director Lawrence Stoffel. “It’s the Huskie band up close and in your face, unlike any football stadium experience.”

The band will play a wide variety of music. It will perform a variety of songs including hip-hop dance music, songs by AC/DC and music from the cartoon “Schoolhouse Rock.”

“It will be more like going to a rock concert than a classical concert,” Stoffel said. “It will be loud and very exciting.”

The concert will be held at 8 p.m. at the Music Building’s Boutell Memorial Concert Hall.