Students cast 850 election ballots

By Nicholas Alajakis

Four of the 40 Student Association Senate seats remain vacant following this week’s elections.

The elections, which ended Wednesday, yielded the maximum allowable senators in districts one through four, but only four of the eight available positions in District 5 were filled.

The vacancies were because of a lack of representatives running in District 5.

It’s not uncommon for District 5 to have a few seats vacant following elections, said SA Election Commissioner Kevin O’Kelly.

The district doesn’t have many students living in it, thus it did not have many students running for senate positions, Kelly added.

District 5 encompasses all students living outside of DeKalb, or any students living in DeKalb east of the Kishwaukee River.

The other districts have more students living in them, O’Kelly said.

District 1 includes Stevenson Towers, Neptune Hall and University Plaza. Lincoln Hall, Douglas Hall and Grant Towers make up District 2. District 3 consists of everything in DeKalb west of Annie Glidden Road. District 4 also includes students living east of Annie Glidden Road, but west of the Kishwaukee River.

The remaining seats senate will be open to any student following the fourth senate meeting of the year, said O’Kelly.

The SA did experience a slight increase in voter turnout.

O’Kelly said 850 ballots were cast this year, compared to 682 last year, and roughly 800 in 2001.

Senators are responsible for allocating more than $1.3 million received from student fees to SA-recognized organizations. The senate’s first meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Sunday at the Holmes Student Center’s Skyroom.