Budget awaits governor’s decision

By Michael Klaas

The university budgeting process for fiscal year 2003-2004 is on hold until the state government announces its goals for next year.

“We’re waiting on the governor to release a decision on what he has planned for higher education,” Student Trustee Jesse Perez said. “Until he announces what his plans are, it’s difficult for the university to plan anything.”

The university has requested money from the state for various repairs and upgrades, such as renovations for Gilbert Hall, street repair and elevator replacement. However, grant money for those projects will not be considered until Gov. Blagojevich formally announces his budget proposal.

Such uncertainty leaves the Board of Trustees and university administrators to speculate on where money will be appropriated.

“We’re trying to guesstimate what’s going to happen,” Perez said. “But, until we find out for sure, it’s difficult to see what our plans are. The board is probably going to meet in the next month to go over some details.”

An announcement from the governor’s office is expected sometime in late March or April. Until then, student government leaders, like Perez, and administrators are gearing up to lobby for funds.

“We’re scheduled to attack,” Perez said. “So, we’ll be doing our best to get out there and get our point across.”

Room is available for student involvement, too.

The university has numerous committees that discuss and plan portions of the budget and many of them have student positions available. The Athletics Board, University Council and Admissions Policy and Academic Standards are three such committees.

“There are certain spots for students on those committees,” said Brooke Robinson, director of Public Affairs for the Student Association. “Some of those are filled by departments or the specific colleges, but many of them are filled by the SA President.”

Students have been encouraged to get involved in the decision-making processes for NIU.

“If somebody is interested in any one of those committees and there is an opening available, get in contact with [SA President] Kevin Miller and explain to him why you’re interested,” Robinson said.

A complete list of university committees is available at www.niu.edu/u_council/committeesbook.html.