Address your stress

By Jessica Majkowski

A heap of difficult homework? The disapproving glare of a superior? What sends those nauseating waves of stress sweeping into your stomach?

No matter what the cause for stress, University Resources for Women offers workshops to help deal with it.

“It’s free to all NIU students, staff, faculty and the DeKalb community,” said Natasha Schnell, a graduate assistant and counselor.

This semester’s workshops ended Tuesday and will resume next semester.

“Typically what we do is, we talk about everyday stressers and what’s causing stress in our lives,” Schnell said. “Then we explore some ways to manage stress, such as time management, better communication and diet and exercise.”

The workshops usually include some type of relaxation technique, like guided imagery, meditation or progressive muscle relaxation.

“People are generally enthusiastic, and they find that the group really helps them to manage their stress,” Schnell said.

Workshops take place once a week and last about one hour. They’re located at the University Resources for Women, at the corner of Normal Road and Lincoln Highway.

“One of the main goals of the office is to improve the campus climate for women,” said Judy Skorek, assistant director of URW. She said although the male population is not the focus, they’re not turned away.

“The issues and concerns people bring to the office are very vast and very diverse,” Skorek said.

Senior English major Charles Pritchard said stress definitely is an issue for college students.

“For me at least, it’s not the number of classes, just the amount of work,” Pritchard said. “I have to take a lot of literature courses and read a lot and write a lot.”

He said workshops probably would help deal with stress.

“The relaxation exercises sound pretty useful,” Pritchard said.

Schnell said the workshops likely will begin again in late January. Students interested in enrolling in next semester’s workshops, or in getting individual help, can call University Resources for Women at 753-0320.