Local label pushes artists into public eye

By Lisa Weber

Local artists who want a chance to make it big need to look no further than their own backyard. A local record company in Aurora, Ill., may be the answer.

“JenStar Entertainment is a label for new artists,” said Marilyn Diaz, vice president for JenStar Entertainment and Classic World Productions.

JenStar was created a year ago by Darryl Payne, president of JenStar Entertainment and Classic World Productions.

Classic World Productions was created in 1990 in New York. Payne, a record producer, has been in the business for 26 years. He is interested in the music business because he enjoys being in control of his own destiny.

“Classic World Productions and JenStar Entertainment go hand in hand,” Diaz said. “Classic World Productions buys rights to music. We have 60 to 65 CDs in stores right now.”

JenStar Entertainment generated Billboard artist Lou Mosley, whose single, “Slow Dance,” has been on the Billboard charts for 26 weeks. “Slow Dance” was produced by Payne and Mosley, Diaz said.

“He believes it only takes one chance for people to succeed,” Diaz said of Payne.

Diaz thinks that JenStar is the only record label in the area and is not in competition with any other labels.

Payne is very happy that Mosley made it to the Billboard charts.

“To do this on the first release is a tremendous accomplishment,” he said.

Chris Johnson, singer, songwriter and guitar player for local rock band Flook, thinks being on a label is almost a necessity for bands.

“Record label companies have access to industry people and access to a wider distribution of music,” he said. “They can help bands record and produce their music.”

Jerry James, music and video manager for Hemispheres Music and Video, 1015 W. Hillcrest Drive., believes record labels can help a band get their name out.

“The label would also take the band’s money, though,” James said.

Anyone interested in learning more about JenStar Entertainment or Classic World Productions can call (630) 851-1600, or visit its Web site at