Safe Passage honors volunteers at vigil

By Jessica Morris

October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and Safe Passage and the DeKalb Area Women’s Center are observing it by holding their eighth-annual Domestic Violence Vigil.

Safe Passage is an agency in DeKalb County that provides resources for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and other types of abuse.

“We would like nothing more than to go out of business,” said Becky Parfitt, Counseling Coordinator for Safe Passage. “Unfortunately, business is booming.”

Several people and organizations are recognized at the vigil for their distinguished services for both the agency and the women’s center.

Sigma Lambda Sigma was honored for its volunteer work in the children’s program at Safe Passage.

“We have been involved with the children’s program as a sorority,” said Eve Lechowicz , a senior international politics and Southeast Asian studies major. “Members volunteer on a weekly basis to provide a constructive environment for kids while their families are in sessions. Safe Passage has become an important aspect of of our volunteer work because the issues of domestic violence need to be addressed. We hope to promote awareness not only in DeKalb and on campus, but on a state and national level as well.”

Grant Montgomery, a junior at Sycamore High School, was also awarded by Safe Passage.

Montgomery chose the agency as his Eagle Scout project and has involved himself with a variety of volunteer activities, such as coordinating three food drives.

The agency named him a fine example of compassionate leadership and a role model for his peers.

Montgomery expressed his gratitude to the agency in his acceptance speech.

“I enjoyed working with them and thank them for their ideas and encouragement,” he said.

The Association of Women in Communications was also involved in the evening’s events.

“I’ve never helped at one of the vigils before, but I was told that it has been a great experience in the past,” said Jennifer Lull, Safe Passage’s community service chairperson. “I am excited to find out what it is going to be like.”

Women in Communications president Erica Feher had attended the vigil before and expressed her excitement to be back.

“What Anna Marie [Coveny, a member of the board of directors] is doing is a great thing. She should be commended for everything that she does,” she said. “Last year, the vigil was an awesome experience and I love to just sit there and listen to the women’s stories.”

DeKalb County State’s Attorney Ron Matekaitis was also honored.

“Ignorance is the enemy,” he said. “Twenty-three months ago, I knew almost nothing about this issue, but Safe House has helped me and my office understand.”

Pam Wiseman, director of Safe Passage, credited him with many of the changes benefitting domestic violence victims in DeKalb County and added that “what is happening in DeKalb County is what is going to happen in the State, and it is because of people like Ron.”