SGA student trustee candidate hopes to advocate for students

Voting for SGA will occur Tuesday and Wednesday in multiple locations across campus.

Zohair Khan

Tim Moore, sophomore meteorology major, is running for the student trustee position in the upcoming SGA elections and hopes to build student relationships.

DeKALB — Tim Moore, a sophomore meteorology major, is running for the student trustee position in the executive branch in the upcoming Student Government Association election. 

He is currently involved in the Student Government Association on the Environmental Affairs Committee as well as a part of the atmospheric science community. 

“I would like to be elected as student trustee to maintain the transparency between the students of the university and the highest governing administration in Northern Illinois,” Moore said. “I want to connect the university and students.”

The student trustee position holds a high power in the Student Government Association as an executive position. The student trustee works directly with the board of trustees and the student body.

Moore believes that having a voice for all students on campus and maintaining transparency between all university students and officials is very important.

“Being a part of the Student Government Association, you are required to not only take initiative but have a strong drive to help students and address their issues in a timely manner,” Moore said.

Moore believes that he holds a lot of the values necessary to be a strong asset to the Student Government Association. 

“I am pretty qualified for this position because of my leadership experience in the Student Government Association and my desire to connect students with the university,” Moore said. “Being in the Student Government Association, you are required to not only take initiative but have the drive to do so.”

Moore has many goals for the Student Government Association. 

“I want to be a chainlink between the students and university and reciprocate the concerns from the students directly to the university during decision-making processes,” Moore said. “I also want to increase student involvement in not only the Student Government Association but all student organizations.” 

If selected for the position of student trustee, Moore believes he will be a good representation and advocate for students on campus. 

“I want to be able to advocate for all students’ voices so no one feels left out.” Moore said. “Many students don’t know who to come to for their concerns and I want to be the gap to connect the university and students. I’d work closely with both to help solve those issues.”

Moore believes students should vote for him because he will advocate for all of their needs and concerns. He wants everyone to be heard. 

“I hold many necessary values that will make me a great student trustee,” Moore said. “I have a strong desire to learn and a great sense of curiosity. I am willing to seek every concern and issue and make everyone feel heard.”

Voting for the Student Government Association will occur from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday in Barsema Hall, DuSable Hall, Founders Memorial Library, Holmes Student Center and New Hall Community Center. Additionally, voting will be available via Huskie Link for 24 hours.