SGA presidential candidate hopes to increase campus involvement

Voting for SGA will occur Tuesday and Wednesday in multiple locations across campus.

Courtesy of Montez Soliz

Montez Soliz, a junior political science major, is running for president and will increase transparency and communication with students.

DeKALB – Montez Soliz, a junior political science major, is running for president of the Student Government Association in its upcoming elections. 

In 2021, Soliz ran as vice president alongside presidential candidate Brian Acosta for SGA. While their ticket wasn’t elected, Soliz has taken that experience to this campaign and is committed to the future of SGA.

“I think because I’m not a part of any organization, I can put all of my attention on SGA,” Soliz said. 

Running with Kaylin Lee, a sophomore music major, as his vice president, Soliz’s campaign, titled “Bridging the Gap,” is founded upon three principles: Involvement/Community, Transparency and Focus. 

Campaigning has allowed Soliz to meet “phenomenal students” and reach out to marginalized groups of students who feel that their voices aren’t being heard in SGA. Soliz also wants to make campus an active place for organizations and students in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic which has worn out the student body.

“There are students suffering mentally and academically because of COVID-19,” Soliz said. 

A lack of student presence on campus the past two years has contributed to a good portion of students not knowing the full scope of what SGA does, Soliz said. If elected, Soliz hopes to create a constant stream of transparency and communication to inform students as well as strive to make NIU a great place for students to learn and make memories. 

“A lot of freshman and sophomore students started online and haven’t gotten a ‘college experience,’” Soliz said. 

Soliz also wants to stress how important the student body is to the future of SGA and how SGA is meant to be an organization that acts on behalf of students. 

“Without the student body, there would be no SGA,” Soliz said. 

Plans to increase organizational involvement on campus include having more than one involvement fair per semester. This will continuously surround students with opportunities to participate. 

“To only have one (involvement) fair is losing opportunity for engagement,” Soliz said.

While Soliz acknowledges that the presidential race will be close, he’s confident in the turnout of students for the election.

“Vote for the president who is going to take the extra step,” Soliz said. “I promise to be fully transparent and I’m excited, if elected, for our administration’s new ideas.”

Voting for the Student Government Association will occur from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday in Barsema Hall, DuSable Hall, Founders Memorial Library, Holmes Student Center and New Hall Community Center. Students can also vote on Huskie Link for 24 hours.