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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Islamic Center of DeKalb sits at 801 Normal Road and serves the local Muslim community by providing a place of worship. From Feb. 28 to March 29 Muslims all over the world observe the holy month Ramadan. (Northern Star Media)

Ramadan: How and why it’s observed

By Kahlil Kambui, Assistant Lifestyle Editor | March 18, 2025

From Feb. 28 to March 29, the month of Ramadan – a holy month and the ninth month in the Islamic calendar – is being observed by Muslims all over the world. It's a time of spiritual reflection and prayer. Halima Osman, the vice president of the...

The NIU Wind Ensemble performes "O King from Sinfonia" by Luciano Berio on stage during thier concert. The NIU Wind Ensemble wowed the audience during their performance. (Kahlil Kambui | Northern Star)

NIU Wind Ensemble wows the crowd during performance

By Kahlil Kambui, Assistant Lifestyle Editor | February 28, 2025

A Large crowd of DeKalb residents and NIU students came to hear the performance of the NIU Wind Ensemble Thursday evening. From 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., the NIU Wind Ensemble’s instruments left audience members awed during their concert in the Boutell Memorial...

Davis Hall and the observatory brace through the snow fall on Wednesday. Davis Hall is home to the Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences, the Department of Geography.
(Ethan Rodriguez | Northern Star)

Gallery: NIU’s sudden snow day

By Ethan Rodriguez, Photo Editor | February 13, 2025

The Orion constellation brightly illuminates the night sky above DeKalb. The Orion constellation is considered one of the brightest constellations due to the constellation being partly made with the 7th and 10th brightest stars and was named after the Greek mythological hunter known for his skills. (Ethan Rodriguez | Northern Star)

Gallery: The stars over DeKalb

By Ethan Rodriguez, Photo Editor | February 11, 2025