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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Executive board gocuses on plans

By Stephanie Bradley | August 25, 1988

NIU's student government, the Student Association, serves several purposes on campus, such as allocating funds and giving recognition to student organizations. It is run by students with the help of a few advisers. The SA's newly elected executive board...

HSC incident report released

By Sean Noble | August 25, 1988

Four NIU students accused of shoplifting in an allegedly racist incident at the Holmes Student Center bookstore last semester took advantage of the opportunity to harass bookstore employees after increased security surveillance, according to an investigative...

City officials concerned with NIU student issues

By Sylvia Phillips | August 25, 1988

Studying long hours into the night, socializing with friends and cramming for exams typifies the lives of many NIU students. But a sometimes forgotten fact is students are also voters—with the power to elect officials to represent their concerns in...

Freshmen looking for better jobs

By Sylvia Phillips | August 25, 1988

The typical NIU freshman is a white female, comes from Chicago or the surrounding counties, will be the first in her family to graduate from college, estimates her parental income at $35,000 and attends college to get a better job. This analysis of the...

Roy’s prescription: keep sunny side up

By Kari Brackett | August 25, 1988

When it comes to a positive attitude, NIU soccer coach Willy Roy provides it. Roy was hired in August 1987 after former coach Jerry Collins resigned. Although his squad finished the season with a 6-10-2 record, the former Chicago Sting boss is ready for...

Police give thoughts on social functions

By Sylvia Phillips | August 25, 1988

School's back—and it's that time of year again when students flock to keggers, bars, house parties and other get-togethers to mingle with old friends and meet new ones. Imbibing alcohol doesn't have to mean abandoning common sense. Misunderstandings...

Loans, off campus jobs pay better

By Paul Wagner | August 25, 1988

Dozens of campus jobs went unfilled last year because there were not enough students who wanted to take them, and they are likely to remain vacant. Student Employment Coordinator Melody Amundsen said last month there are about 80 unfilled work-study jobs....

Budget not enough to cover HSC bids

By Holly Schubert | August 25, 1988

The $1,995,000 budgeted by the Board of Regents for the Holmes Student Center tower renovation is not enough to cover bids for the project, which means the recladding of the tower will have to wait until spring. Bids for the project ranged from $3.2 to...

SA President welcomes you

By Paula Radtke | August 25, 1988

Welcome to NIU, home of the Huskies, a student-run bus service which is Illinois' second most active, a diverse student body, and a strong student government. Whether you are a new freshman or transfer student, or a continuing graduate or undergraduate...

Regents’ secret decision could affect funding issue

By Sean Noble | August 9, 1988

The Board of Regents' secret arrangement to give an NIU professor a year off with pay might send the wrong message to state legislators about the need for more higher education funding. State Sen. Patrick Welch, D-Peru, said he is afraid the Regents are...

Recruiters, higher salaries await grads.

By Stephanie Bradley | August 9, 1988

A national study by the College Placement Council has found that salary offers for new graduates are higher than last year. CPC representative Dawn Oberman said the reason for the higher salaries was a stronger recruiting season. The report covered the...

Study shows NIU has low minority transfer retention

By Holly Schubert | August 9, 1988

A study focusing on minority transfer student retention found that only a small percentage of minority students in community colleges transfer to NIU, Illinois State University, or Sangamon State University to earn a baccalaureate degree. The study, presented...