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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Mean salary for NIU grads $18,097

By Matt James | February 9, 1988

NIU students graduating with four-year degrees can expect to receive a mean income of $18,097, about $3,000 less than last year's national average. Northwestern University's 1988 Lindquist-Endicott Report stated the national average salary for graduates...

Frat’s punishment isn’t unreasonable

February 9, 1988

Sunday, the Student Association Senate voted to revoke Phi Beta Sigma fraternity's recognition for a four-week period because the fraternity posted an objectionable flyer, forged a University Programming & Activities approval stamp and failed to take...

Guide gives resume tips

By Sandi Patyk | February 9, 1988

Turning in a "sloppy" resume to an employer could ruin an applicant's chance to receive a job. Resumes help employers form the important first impression, said Career Planning and Placement Center spokesperson. A good resume requires effort—it cannot...

Nursing career offers benefits, opportunities

By Michelle Swerdlik | February 9, 1988

Nursing's low-status reputation and shortage of nurses has not diminished the profession's opportunities and benefits. "The state of Wisconsin is short 1,100 full-time nurses," said Ken Fonteccho, Novus Health Group recruitment director. According to...

Two college students die in accident

By Marianne Renner | February 9, 1988

Two college students died in Crestwood, Illinois, and one was critically injured Saturday when their car swerved into a semi truck. Kishwaukee Community College student, Paul Kubski, 21, 807 W. Taylor Street, was driving and was pronounced dead on the...

‘Career Fair’ showcases internships

By Elizabeth M. Behland | February 9, 1988

The fifth annual "Career Fair" held Feb. 3 offered students of all majors the opportunity to find employment while still in school. Employers from different companies set up displays in the Duke Ellington Ballroom, located in the Holmes Student Center,...

Public can voice opinions about collider at meeting

By Stephanie Bradley | February 9, 1988

Citizens in nearby counties will have the opportunity to voice their opinions about the Superconductor Supercollider project, for which Illinois is one of seven finalists. The U.S. Department of Energy will make a final decision on which state will receive...

Repairing lot, removing oil tanks to cost NIU $75,000

By Matt James | February 9, 1988

More than $75,000 will be spent to renovate the parking lot behind Neptune Hall North and to remove oil tanks under that lot by the fall of 1989. Campus Parking Manager Lynn Fraser said $40,000 of parking division funds will be spent to reconfigure the...

Office assists in hunt

By Greg Rivara | February 9, 1988

Future graduates and alumni can learn how to write a resume, interviewing skills and can find the "right" job through NIU's Career Planning and Placement Center. Center Recruiting Coordinator Jean Callary said the center, located in Swen Parson Hall,...

Dept. matches traits to jobs

By Sylvia Phillips | February 9, 1988

Career planning strategies offered by NIU's Department of Counseling and Student Development prepare students for the job market by helping them match interests and abilities with employment opportunities. "We help students in the decision-making process,"...

Clothes must project right corporate image

By Katrina Kelly | February 9, 1988

Students should know how to dress for an interview because wearing the wrong outfit can affect the outcome. "Students should dress professionally, as if they were reporting for their first day at work," said Gary Scott, NIU's Career Planning and Placement...

General strategies help interviewees

By Joelle McGinnis | February 9, 1988

No two job interviews are going to be alike, but there are some basic guidelines that can apply for all interviews job-seekers can keep in mind. Thomas Priola, owner and vice president of Bubba's Frozen Yogurt, 2500 Sycamore Road, said every interview...