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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Biology center plans ‘Biotechnology Day’ at NIU

By Greg Rivara | January 21, 1988

The NIU Plant Molecular Biology Center is planning a "Biotechnology Day at Northern" for March 15, University Research Professor Arnold Hampel said. "The day is still in the planning stages," Hampel said. The Illinois Board of Regents established the...

Regents OK IBHE budget resolution

By Suzanne Tomse | January 21, 1988

NORMAL—The Board of Regents stressed the need for a stronger state-wide commitment to higher education Thursday before adopting a resolution in support of the Illinois Board of Higher Education's fiscal year 1989 budget recommendations. "We do have...

Survey focuses on household chores

January 21, 1988

NEW YORK (AP)—Nine out of 10 working mothers who responded to a magazine survey on housework said they do the laundry regularly in their household, the magazine has found. Husbands and children do the laundry regularly about 25 percent of the time,...

Student fee hike possible

By Tammy Sholer | January 21, 1988

NORMAL—Student fees might be raised if the Board of Regents approves NIU's request today to seek a contracting bid to repair the brick covering of the Holmes Student Center. NIU President John LaTourette said funding the estimated $923,000 needed to...

Jan. 28 election to fill SA senate

By Dina Paluzzi | January 21, 1988

Five vacancies in the Student Association senate will be filled by a Jan. 28 election, in which students still have the opportunity to compete. One on-campus position and four off-campus positions are vacant. Candidates can pick up "Senate Candidate Packets,"...

5 highest accident rate locations listed

January 21, 1988

SPRINGFIELD (AP)—The following is a list of the 15 worst accident rate locations on state- or federal-numbered routes in Illinois, based on data from the state Department of Transportation. The rate used for each road segment is based on the number...

Film Critique

By Lynn Hammarstrom | January 21, 1988

Webster's dictionary defines the word inept as "unsuitable, unfit, foolish, awkward and clumsy." If the venerable scholars who put together this lexicon were ever to turn their hand to film criticism, they might add the title of Dan Aykroyd's latest film...

Unique ‘tooth lift’ stunt fails minister

January 21, 1988

CARBONDALE (AP) _Baptist minister Paul Wrenn really sinks his teeth into his mission, promoting his sermons by lifting the heaviest member of the audience with his mouth. But he bit off more than he could chew when he pulled up a 385-pound coal miner...

Shiites relinquish Palestinian camps

January 21, 1988

BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP)—Shiite Moslem militiamen withdrew Wednesday from all positions ringing Palestinian refugee camps in Beirut, ending a nearly 3-year-old siege. Syrian troops immediately rolled into buffer zones around the Chatilla and Bourj el-Barajneh...

Aid dispersing to be hastened

By Tammy Sholer | January 20, 1988

Although some NIU students had to wait up to six weeks to receive financial aid checks last year, financial aid officials say they do not foresee delays in the 1988-89 academic year. Jerry Augsburger, NIU financial aid director, said he does not anticipate...

Reckless homicide case still pending

January 20, 1988

The case of Demetrius Glenn, 20, charged with reckless homicide in connection with the Oct. 4 death of an NIU student, is still pending, DeKalb County State's Attorney Philip DiMarzio said. A Dec. 21 pretrial has been continued to Jan. 25, when the judge...

Leaders receive ominous notes

By Sean Noble | January 20, 1988

Anonymous letters threatening racist actions on campus during this semester were sent to five NIU administrators and student leaders last month. Jon Dalton, vice president for student affairs, was quoted in a press release dated Jan. 12 as saying, "Just...