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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

NIU to buy gas directly, save money

By David Johnston | January 22, 1987

NIU will cut its energy costs in 1987 by significantly reducing its expenditure for natural gas. The savings for the university, however, will lead to a loss in revenue for the City of DeKalb. A federal law known as Rider 25 governing the direct sale...

WNIU requests second frequency

By Suzanne Tomse | January 22, 1987

In order to develop more specialized radio programming, WNIU-FM has applied for two new frequencies from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), said WNIU General Manager Mike Lazar. owever, the FCC has been "sitting on" both applications, Lazar...

Speaker honors King’s cause

By Lynn Hammarstrom | January 22, 1987

"The mighty man of the gospel will always dwell among us." So ended last night's tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by social commentator and political activist Lu Palmer. A small but enthusiastic crowd gathered last night in the Carl Sandburg Auditorium...

Finalists of search are determined

January 21, 1987

Four finalists have been chosen from among 40 applicants in the search to fill the position of NIU Physical Plant Director. The position was left vacant when former Physical Plant Director Jim Harder was promoted last year to Vice President of Business...

NIU student runs for seat in first ward

By Deneen Smith | January 21, 1987

DeKalb First Ward Alderman Ron Matekaitis announced Tuesday he will not seek re-election in his ward in April, and an NIU student will run for that seat in the district. Matekaitis, 28, has served as alderman for eight years in the district which includes...

Industry could find DeKalb attractive

By Mike Solley | January 21, 1987

DeKalb is "a hot town for (industrial) prospects" because of its location and available industrial sites, according to state representatives from the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs (DCCA). At a meeting Tuesday of the DeKalb Economic Development...

Task force fights discrimination

By Tom Omiatek | January 21, 1987

The University Council Monday completed its first phase in combating racial discrimination at NIU by selecting 18 task force members to investigate injustice and violence against minority groups. The task force was formed as part of a resolution against...

Military students feel patriotic duty

By Ginger Rihle | January 21, 1987

Although NIU military students receive financial benefits through the Veterans Administration, several students consider their patriotic duty to be more important than their income. obert Fausti was in the Marines and is now in the ROTC program at NIU....

Man will receive counselling after shooting mother

January 21, 1987

A DeKalb man originally charged with attempted murder for the Christmas Day shooting of his mother appeared in DeKalb County Court Tuesday morning for the lesser charge of reckless conduct. State's Attorney Phil DiMarzio said Augustin Fajardo, 31, 607...

NIU could save $2.6 million on bond costs

January 21, 1987

NIU could save $2.6 million if the Board of Regents votes Thursday to allow it to prepay an outstanding revenue bond debt, Regents Vice Chancellor John Pembroke said. The U.S. Loan Department Discount Program is offering NIU a 30 percent discount totaling...

Physical therapy credits extended

By Suzanne Tomse | January 21, 1987

NIU freshmen majoring in physical therapy will need to complete 142 credit hours in order to obtain a degree due to changes effective next fall in required biology courses. This catalogue change was approved by the Council on Instruction last Thursday...

Welch breaks with party on abortion

By David Johnston | January 17, 1987

State Senator Patrick Welch, D-Peru, has broken with other members of the Democratic Party with his consistent advocacy of pro-life legislation. Welch was recently honored by the Illinois Pro-Life Coalition III for his support of pro-life legislation...