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Northern Star

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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Symbol can’t die

July 10, 1990

I have temporary Summer employment at NIU's Material & Distribution Center and was verbally assaulted by several NIU student co-workers! The reason for the assault? I expressed my opinion about the flag burning issue. Their closed mind to the reasons...

Today’s kids: neon sponges, smokers

By Kelli Christiansen | June 19, 1990

I turned the big 21 about a week and a half ago, and I feel old. I'm not sure why. One reason is because someone thought I was 16 and that made me feel really old. I would have been insulted if I were turning 19, I suppose. I remember when I was still...

Where’s the cash, fellas?

June 19, 1990

Today's lesson: Don't count your chickens before they're hatched. It's truly a wonderful and equally amazing thing that much-needed asbestos removal will be done this summer at University Health Services. It's always nice to have a health care facility...

Students should not gripe

June 19, 1990

Although students might feel the city's 2 percent tax increase (from 7 to 9 percent) on restaurant, bar and liquor store sales affect them more than other DeKalb residents, the end result is better services for students. NIU students make up 35 percent...

Goodbye blues felt by more than grads Claudia Curry

May 2, 1990

It's that time of year again. The weather is getting bearable. The rabbits are getting busy. We're all getting stressed from finals and Claudia's getting depressed. Yes, depressed with a capital D. What do you expect? It's graduation time. Everyone's...

Safety need in question

May 2, 1990

The Student Association is doing what they should be—trying to help the students—through its latest proposal of having student police patrols. But the idea is handcuffed before it can get rolling because there simply is not enough crime to justify...

Faulty charges

May 2, 1990

My attention was drawn to the controversy surrounding Professor Tiwari for two reasons. First, I have had teachers from other countries whose accents occasionally gave me some difficulty. Second, there are three professors in my department from India,...

Many students to consider

May 2, 1990

NIU should be congratulated on the recent groundbreaking for Faraday II, a needed and welcome addition to the campus. The newest building in 10 years, Faraday II is bound to improve the university as a whole. The four-story building will increase the...

Students at loss on council

May 1, 1990

The University Council needs to consider all the options before granting the Student Association the ability to appoint all 14 student council seats. Huda Scheidelman is making a proposal to the council today to allow the SA to appoint all 14 of the vacant...

A document a day keeps the landlord at bay

May 1, 1990

With the Homecoming football game, jazz concert and Springfest come and gone, only the slight matter of final exams remains before the end of another academic year. This column, therefore, undertakes to provide a few tips to avoid common legal problems...

Unknown event

May 1, 1990

I was very disappointed to read The Northern Star on April 23 and not see a single line or picture from the NIU Girl's Basketball Banquet held on April 22. Two hundred and fifty attended this occasion to pay tribute to a great team of gals and coaches...

Final exams overlooked

May 1, 1990

Athletic Director Gerald O'Dell's and the entire Athletic Board's commitment to the student athlete is questionable. After debating for an hour, the board apparently threw out a policy not to schedule games near finals week. The men's basketball team...