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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

We’re for Fallon

April 10, 1990

As Student Association Senators, we have been fortunate to follow the leadership of SA Senate Speaker John Fallon as he has consistently and aggressively supported reforms to benefit the entire NIU student body. In addition to his important position as...

Make right pick

April 10, 1990

On April 11 and 12, we will have the opportunity to select the individual who will represent the entire NIU student body, as our president, for one full year. Because this position is so very important to the future of our rights as students, it must...

Consider facts

April 10, 1990

This letter responds to the Amy Davis letter on April 4th. Amy's examination of the SA presidential election ‘carefully' and ‘cautiously,' we feel, lacks careful and cautious thought. Amy states she wants a candidate who will keep tuition down and...

Hey, tycoons, look out for those Piles

By Alex Pope | April 10, 1990

The 12-year-old kid who walked in and sat down across the desk from me introduced himself as Sam "Scoop" Piles. He was dressed and smelled like a Chicago bum, but insisted that he was the founder and president of a company called The Scoopers, Inc. His...

Lacking logic

April 10, 1990

In his recent letter, Brian Subatich demonstrates his inability to grasp simple reasoning and logic. He argues in his last paragraph that his individual endorsement carries as much validity as the endorsements of Rob McCormack by the Young Democrats and...

Consider ideas

April 9, 1990

We, supporters of Robert McCormack, would like to take this time to explain to the students of NIU why we have dedicated our time, trust, and loyalty to our candidate. Rob has dedicated himself to improving the campus and the services offered to the students....

Fees are unfair

April 9, 1990

I find it imperative to apprise my fellow commuting graduate students of the inequitable fees they are being assessed each semester. Those students who commute to campus (20 miles or more) to attend classes are unfairly charged such inapplicable fees...

Questions insult

April 8, 1990

It has recently come to my attention that a GLU sponsored questionnaire has been posted around the NIU campus. Titled "Heterosexual Questionnaire" and written by Martin Rochlin, this literary venture attempts to justify the GLU's position on campus by...

How have we lived this long together?

By Dan O'Shea | April 8, 1990

DATELINE—Friday night. Whoever said Neil Armstrong was the first to reach the moon was wrong. I think the hair on the girl next to me was first. It's teased so high, it's got stretch marks on it. They should have made her check it at the door. And if...

Bad situation

April 8, 1990

Your editorial, "Did Board Use Best Idea?," (March 23) and Student Association President Huda Scheidelman's letter, "Wrong Decision," (March 27) brought to surface issues surrounding the elimination of men's gymnastics and the diminished respect for the...

Excellent choice

April 8, 1990

I am very pleased that the Contel Corporation has selected the DeKalb-Sycamore area for its new Midwest headquarters. Contel of Illinois is an outstanding corporate citizen. Many Contel employees are active participants in community programs, and the...

Makes no sense

April 8, 1990

In your April 4 letters to the editor, Lou Cory stated, "I hate to inform you of this, but people can be for human rights and not gay rights." Oh, really? Mr. Cory, you obviously consider yourself to be thoughtful and insightful. Well, I hate to inform...