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Northern Star




Northern Star

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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Reconsider firing

April 30, 1989

Dear Mr. LaTourette: I read with great dismay of the decision by the NIU athletic director and you not to renew the contract of basketball Coach Jim Rosborough. It is true that some schools do make amazing turnarounds from losing records in a two or three...

Correct answer?

April 30, 1989

As the time approaches for final exams, there are various feelings students may have. The confident ones are those who know that they will do well. Then there are those who feel they have a good chance to do well if they studied what will be on the test....

Personnel needed

April 27, 1989

Over the past two semesters we have read Allen Roscoe's column with faith and pleasure. His writing is both intelligent and entertaining as he questions the happenings and policies of our fine university. We were, however, greatly disappointed with his...

Springtime legalities: pets, bycicles, passports

April 27, 1989

Speaking from the bar About this time of year, mild southern breezes seem to set everything and everyone in motion. Modes of transportation—bicycles, motorcycles, skateboards, etc., proliferate. Pets and toddlers you never knew your neighbors had promenade...

Time for Daley to heal division

April 27, 1989

Richard M. Daley is now mayor of Chicago. His inauguration was one of pomp and pageantry, but now it is time for him to get down to business. Daley now must face the problems of a deficit totaling more than $120 million, a city council that has been less...

A better program

April 27, 1989

I would just like to say something to Gerald O'Dell and all of the Jim Rosborough opponents. During the past three years, Rosborough wasn't given the opportunity to show his coaching ability. His players were young and just beginning to learn his system....

We need support like this?

April 27, 1989

From all outside appearances, the Illinois Student Association's decision Sunday to lobby for two bills that would create a new NIU governing board seems great for students. See, the ISA is moving to help attain much-needed autonomy for NIU in its own...

Tea party concern

April 27, 1989

This one goes to the organizers of DOA III. I'm rather ashamed at your lack of awareness. The one (of many) issues you did not try to cover in your demonstration, the environment, is being directly violated by your form of protest. While no specific dumping...

Outstanding Young Man

April 27, 1989

NIU graduate student Clifford Ihejieto-Aharanwa has been selected as a 1988 Outstanding Young Man of America. The award is presented as recognition of outstanding professional achievement, superior leadership ability and exceptional service to the community....

Poster reasoning

April 27, 1989

This letter is in response to the article in the April 17 edition of The Northern Star about the penis fliers promoting Bar-None recording artist, Otis Ball and the Chains. Bar-None also handles They Might Be Giants. The persons who complained about the...

Little confidence

April 27, 1989

I would like to say a few words about Jeans Day. I think the most blatant statement made is by those who worry so much about being labeled that they go out of their way not to wear jeans. What this shows is a lack of confidence in one's individuality....

‘Chili’ to be missed

April 26, 1989

For those of you who don't know, and those that do for that matter, a friend of mine passed away early on the morning of April 16. His name was Terrence Ortiz, known simply as "Chili" to his friends and family. Chili died in a car accident, but that's...